How To Optimize Your Social Media

Hand optimizing social media channels

When you think about how to optimize your social media – and digital media as a whole – be prepared for it to take another huge jump with platforms like TikTok continuing to rise.  It’s important that as part of your digital strategy that you are optimizing your social media. This is important across all channels and not just the most prevalent for your business like Instagram and Facebook.

When using social media marketing, marketers often have a lot of questions pertaining to frequency, what platforms to use, what content to post, and which tactics, in general, will be the most useful for their business. Therefore, when building out a social media strategy, you want to ensure that you’re covering all bases as possible, use all platforms available, and ensure that you’re constantly feeding them with content and engagement.

5 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media

Let’s dive into 5 different ways to optimize your social media presence for your business and show you some important takeaways when considering your game plan.

1. Use Hashtags On All Platforms

Hashtags are not only one of the most important facets of Instagram and its capability to reach many different people and niches, but they are also important for reach and engagement on Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Twitter. No matter what platform you’re posting on or using, hashtags are most important to reach new people with your content and for people to directly find YOU through those hashtags.

You can also use hashtags to help market your business, by creating brand-specific hashtags that you can continuously use, look for conversations surrounding your brand and sentiments, and find other hashtags pertaining to or trending within your specific niche.

2. Schedule Your Content

Scheduling with platforms like Later, Planoly, Hootsuite, etc., help you ensure your band’s consistency when posting on social media platforms. A study found that over 41% of marketers schedule their social media posts several days to one week in advance, while a total of 65% say they schedule their content at least 1 day in advance. Additionally, over 57% said that they use scheduling tools, and these respondents said they had less difficulty optimizing their social media.

Scheduling your social media posts gives you a cushion and the ability to have a presence even if you’re entirely swamped in other work, or in case of unforeseen circumstances. This completely ensures you don’t forget to post regularly, which ties into consistency. Social media scheduling may infer success, and it is ultimately the best way to make sure you maintain it your brand’s voice and appearance in the digital world.

3. Utilize Video Content

Imagery is great, but it’s also usually static. This goes for all platforms; it’s very important to include some type of content on any platform that you are posting. Marketers who use video grow revenue roughly 49% faster than non-video users. The Instagram algorithm within this past year has really likened to video content over images.

Not only is video important, but it can also further your engagement, reach, and for Facebook, supercharge your targeting. There are many ways to incorporate short, quick videos into your social media strategy, including FAQs, explainer videos, animated videos, LIVE video streams, and looped video.

4. Post Frequently & Consistently

Consistency is beyond important and very key to growing your brand or business on social media. Instagram specifically wants people to be using the native app at all times; therefore, the algorithm will favour the accounts or brands showing up on the app consistently.

Although the algorithm is constantly changing, showing up for your community is key to growing your page and post frequently! Many marketers are reverting to the notion of community vs. content. You may post quality content frequently and consistently and allow yourself to build a specific community within your niche; therefore, they may be more inclined to come back every week to see your posts. As a brand, you want to create content that you are passionate about and is authentic to your brand.

Hand posting on social media

5. Optimize Your Social Media Profiles On All Platforms

As a business, you should be present on all available-to-you platforms, which may include Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Google My Business. The most important thing within all these platforms is consistency, and presenting the same identity on every other platform.

Ensure your profile consistency, optimize each profile to be the same, including the same or similar information, check that all of your contact information is correct, and ensure you have a business profile turned on for platforms that have the capability. This will ensure, going forward, that you have access to insights and analytics pertaining to your business.

How important is it to optimize your social media for your business?

These have been some tips on optimizing your social media, and while they may work for some, they won’t work for all. It’s important to take learnings and pivot your business strategy if you feel like it may not be working. Social media can create virality, brand awareness and catapult your business to the next level. Continue testing and tweaking your processes and strategies until you find something that works best for you!

Learn more about how we can help you optimize your social media or elevate your online presence at Consultus Digital! Contact Us today! Did you find this article helpful? We always appreciate your feedback.

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